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Malaysian Monarch visits nbc


The Namibian Broadcasting Corporation welcomed Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail, the Acting King of Perlis, Malaysia. 

The visit culminated in a successful agreement to exchange programming and strengthen bilateral ties.

During his visit, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin highlighted his state's efforts to promote tourism in Malaysia over the coming years. 

He emphasised the importance of fostering stronger ties and enhancing bilateral relations between Namibia and Malaysia.

Procession held for Katrina Hanse-Himarwa


Namibians are remembering the former Education Minister, Katrina Hanse-Himarwa, who died on Sunday for her contribution to the country's education system. 

Hanse-Himarwa has been conferred an official funeral.

The 57-year-old Hanse-Himarwa served as minister of education from 2015 to 2019, during which she oversaw reforms in the sector.

The procession accompanying the remains of the late former minister started at Soweto Market in Windhoek this morning.

The procession will lead to Mariental in the Hardap Region, where she will be buried this weekend.

NC MPs raise concern on some parts of Marriage Bill


The National Council members still expressed reservations regarding the proposal to legalise same-sex marriage in Namibia, citing traditional norms where such unions were not historically recognised. 

They also continue to oppose the proposed age of consent of 18 years in the Marriage Bill, advocating for an older age requirement. The Redline marriages are another bone of contention in the chambers. 

MPs observed that the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage has stirred animosity among the populace and emerged as a significant concern for Namibians.

Omaruru residents threaten to occupy unserviced land


Residents of Omaruru have threatened to occupy unserviced land, saying the municipality has failed to address their grievances.

These include a lack of affordable land and housing, development, employment opportunities, and improved living standards.

The residents made the threats during a community feedback meeting with the councillors and management.

They wanted to know why the town was among others lagging behind in development, lack of basic services, inflated prices for single-quarter social houses, land affordability, and pensioners' debt.

600 houses to be electrified in Karibib


Navachab Gold Mine, Erongo Red, and the Karibib Town Council will co-finance millions of dollars for the electrification of close to 600 houses in the informal settlement.

The co-financing initiatives are further supported by the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

At a ground-breaking ceremony, the Navachab Gold Mine and Karibib Town Council revealed the plan to roll out a N$5 million electrification project in the Usab Informal Settlement.

nbc DG highlights tourism benefits of Miss Namibia, Miss Teen pageants


nbc Director General Stanley Similo says the tourism sector stands to benefit from beauty pageants such as Miss Namibia.

Pageants are known to play an integral role in promoting tourism by attracting visitors from different regions to participate in or witness such events. 

Speaking on Namibia Connects following the successful hosting of Miss Teen and Miss Namibia, Similo emphasised the impact beauty contests can have on the tourism sector.

Police urged to prepare for upcoming elections


The Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Albert Kawana, has advised the police to get ready for the upcoming elections.

Dr. Kawana was speaking at the Police Force Senior Command Conference at Ongwediva. 

The five-day conference is being attended by commissioners and their deputies from all the regions and other stakeholders. 

In his address, Dr. Kawana urged the participants to, in their discussions, deliberate on mechanisms to manage elections and gatherings such as rallies. 

Telecommunication networks to improve at Mupini Village


There are still parts of Namibia without access to telecommunication networks. 

Mupini village, in the Kavango West Region, is one of the areas earmarked for the construction of a telecommunications tower. 

The Network Tower will be constructed by PowerCom, a subsidiary of Telecom Namibia, which provides ICT infrastructure and equipment. 

PowerCom Board Director Tonata Nghifitikeko says their decision to establish a tower at Mupini was driven by the region's dynamic potential.

About 2,000 Usab residents in Karibib own land


Close to 2,000 residents at Karibib have become plot owners at the Usab Informal Settlement after the town council handed over their land ownership certificates.

In 1996, the Namibia Action Housing Group and Shack Dwellers Federation signed an agreement with the Karibib Town Council to improve the Usab Informal Settlement.

During phase 1, community members raised money to survey the land and relocate people for the creation of streets.

The second phase, which is the installation of services, was provided by a local company, Tweya, at no cost.

Katrina Hanse-Himarwa accorded official funeral


President Nangolo Mbumba has conferred an Official Funeral on the late former Minister of Education, Katrina Hanse-Himarwa.

The Presidency announced that President Mbumba accepted the recommendation from the National Honours Committee and made the conferment as per Section 3(1) of the Conferment of National Honours Act.

The late Hanse-Himarwa's remains will be interred on the 27th of July in Mariental as agreed upon with her family.

The former Education Minister died on July 14 in a Windhoek hospital, where she was battling cancer.