The Namibia Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness held its first-ever qualifier event in Swakopmund on Saturday.

The first-ever qualifying event, held on Saturday, was for the IFBB African Championships taking place in Egypt for male athletes and in South Africa for female athletes.

The qualifier event, held at Crossfit Swakopmund, included various bodybuilding categories as well as the IFBB Fitness Challenge.

The recent qualifying event, hosted by the Namibia Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness, marked a significant milestone in the country's fitness and bodybuilding scene.

Athletes from across Namibia gathered to showcase their physiques, strength, and dedication on stage.

Participants demonstrated their commitment to the sport through meticulously crafted routines, impressive poses, and exceptional physiques.

Judges scrutinised each participant's presentation, looking for a balance of muscle mass, definition, symmetry, and overall stage presence to determine the winners.

Overall, the event not only showcased the talent and determination of Namibia's bodybuilding and fitness community, but also served as a platform for athletes to push their limits, gain recognition, and inspire others to pursue their fitness goals.

The Namibian teams for the African Championships will be announced as soon as the results have been verified internationally.

Photo Credits
Namibia Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness


Trimo Herbst