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Swapo Party's Otjozondjupa Regional Leadership urged the Grootfontein Municipality to immediately stop the execution of the contract with Red Force Debt Management.

The party's regional coordinator, Imms Namaseb, says the party will also address their councillors from the Grootfontein Municipality for non-compliance. 

The party's Otjozondjupa Regional Leadership also enlisted the Attorney General to scrutinise the contract signed by Grootfontein Municipality with Red Fforce Debt Management, saying it benefits the debt collector at the expense of the council and its residents.

Namaseb says the councillors agreed to enlist the Red Force without any consultations.

Some councillors are currently in Lüderitz for the Crayfish Festival, and Namaseb said they will have to refund council funds.

"They are prioritising festivals instead of the community that they are serving. It's not normal that you go to a festival while people are crying here. Those councillors have to be held accountable; they will be accountable for everything they have done so far. The Swapo Party cannot sit and idle anymore, and this decision has been taken together with the Governor, the Chairperson of the Management Committee of the Council of Otjozondjupa."

The councillors might face disciplinary action within the party structure, including potential removal from their positions. 

Namaseb says the Grootfontein Municipality has agreed to put the opening of the Red Force office in Grootfontein on hold for at least a month.

Grootfontein Municipality Acting Chief Executive Officer Indileni Lungameni could not be reached for confirmation on their current stance with Red Force Debt Management.



Eveline Paulus