The National Housing Enterprise (NHE) and the Development Workshop Namibia (DWN) Trust will embark on servicing affordable plots for low-income earners in the informal settlements.

The two organisations signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Windhoek. 

The plots can be paid off over a period of one to two years and will allow the targeted group to purchase a plot with a title deed.

"The availability of affordable residential land is a key enabling factor to address Namibia's housing crises and housing backlog. As informal settlements continue growing, a concerted effort is needed to speed up the planning and servicing of affordable residential land. The task is huge, as in many towns more than half of the population is now living in informal settlements. A challenge of such scale needs a response of similar scale, and no institution alone will be able to do this by itself," explained Jessica Brown, the Country Director for DWN Trust.

The collaboration allows the two organisations to develop sound housing concepts that can be put in motion and implemented. 

"What I like about us collaborating is that each party comes in to complement the other. We, as the NHE, are experts in building affordable houses, while the DWN is experienced in providing affordable serviced land. While it is not a walk in the park to address the housing needs of people with minimal incomes, I believe our collaboration can overcome challenges and make a difference in the lives of our people. I should indicate that we have tested and successfully proven the informal settlement upgrading project that aims at serving the income groups that this memorandum is targeting to serve," said NHE CEO, Gisbertus Mukulu.

The two parties have yet to identify the towns in which the plots will be serviced.

The programme will be implemented with support from development partners such as the German Development Bank, the FirstRand Foundation, and MTC.

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Selima Henock