With schools set to reopen tomorrow, the ||Kharas Education Directorate is prepared to administer the 2025 academic year despite potential late applications for admission. 

The Kalahari Circuit Inspector, Ryan Assegaai, told nbc News teaching and learning are scheduled to start immediately when schools reopen. 

"The main one is Kalahari Circuit here in the Keetmanshoop area, the surrounding schools, but mostly in Keetmanshoop. So, I can say today that we have everything under control. But next week it can change because we have a problem with parents who are submitting late applications. And also people who are transferred." 

Assegaai explained late applicants will be put on a waiting list, and principals will review them for placements next week. 

The circuit inspector announced the construction of both the !Nami#Nus Primary School at Luderitz and Hendrik Tseiblaagte Primary, which will cater to grade zero and grade one learners, has been completed. 

However, he added the opening of the schools has been delayed until the completion of ablution facilities before the end of next month. 

In addition, the recently constructed Vaalgras Primary School also had its curriculum extended to grade eight. 

About eight teaching vacancies have been advertised, and interviews of shortlisted candidates are expected next week. 

"When school starts next week, we will have teachers at schools. Maybe here and there one or two teachers will be only appointed next week. But, in terms of readiness, I believe we are ready to enrol next week; the principals were already busy during this week. We said we want to start with the learners next week when the learners arrive at the school, so we must have tentative timetables so that learners do not just sit idling around." 

The issue of snake invasion at the Primary School Keetmanshoop was also addressed by clearing the bushy area that had attracted the reptiles. 

Assegaai encouraged parents to get involved in their children's education.



Luqman Cloete