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President Hage Geingob has been ranked as 3rd best President in Africa after Botswana's Mokgweetsi Masisi at 2nd and Prithvirajsing Roopun of Mauritius who is ranked 1st respectively.
This is according to the list of ten best African presidents compiled by African Vibes.
African Vibes is a one-stop platform that helps Africans in the diaspora get the information needed to participate in Africa's growth and development.

The criteria considered to rank the Presidents include the UN Human Development Index, performance in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index and performance in the Ibrahim Index of African Governance.
Other ranking metrics looked at the safety, economic growth, and rule of law in a given country.
According to the selection, Namibia remains one of the four least corrupt nations in Africa with the Corruption Perception Index of 2020 placing it at 57th in the world.

Geingob also scored on Namibia's GDP growth of 3% year-on-year.
The list further outlined that under his leadership, Namibia became the 46th most secure nation worldwide, with a score of 62.1 and 5th most secure on the African continent.

Namibia moved into the Medium Development Category with a score of 0.6 and Africa's 12th highest on the Human Development Index.
The country's road network has also been ranked among the best in southern Africa and ranks among the top 5 in Africa.
Another achievement is that Namibia was placed 6th on the Mo Ibrahim Index for African Governance in 2020, maintaining a trend of steady improvement.
Other African Presidents on the list are Kais Saied from Tunisia, ranked 4th, Jose Maria Neves of Cabo Verde at 6th and Algeria's Abdelmadjid Tebboune coming in at 7.
Gambia's Adama Barrow and Samia Suluhu Hassan occupy 9th and 10th positions respectively.
Prime Ministers who are the Heads of Government in Morocco and Egypt respectively, Aziz Akhannouch and Moustafa Madbouly also feature on the list.
They are ranked 5th and 8th respectively


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