Okakarara VTC undergoing renovations


The Okakarara Vocational Training Centre, one of the oldest vocational training centres in the country, is undergoing major renovations. 

The centre officially opened its doors in 1977, making it the oldest centre under the Namibian Training Authority's banner.

Katutura Hospital renovations 50% complete


Renovations at the Katutura Intermediate Hospital are about 50% complete, says the medical superintendent at the hospital, Nelago Amagulu.

The dilapidated state of the referral hospital made the rounds in the media, with patients mostly calling for its renovation.

Sam Nujoma Stadium renovations


The planned renovation of the Sam Nujoma stadium in Windhoek seems to somehow be in limbo as the City of Windhoek and the Ministry of Sports, Youth and National Service are yet to establish what exactly needs to be done.

NFA needs help with Stadium renovations


The NFA/FIFA Normalization Committee is working closely with all stakeholders, in an effort to bring the National Football games back to Namibian soil. This was revealed by Normalization Committee Member - Diina Shitula, in an exclusive interview with Nbc Sport. 

Renovations needed at Greenwell Matongo Community Library


Calls made to the Windhoek Municipality since 2017 to look into the state of the Greenwell Matongo Community Library appear to have fallen on deaf ears, the community says.

The facility has had to endure a leaky roof, which threatens the security and safety of its contents.

Renovated classrooms at Malundu JPS handed over to Education Ministry


The renovated classrooms at Malundu Junior Primary School in the Sibbinda Constituency have been handed over to the Ministry of Basic Education, Arts and Culture.

The classrooms are part of a grant from the Japanese government for grassroots human security projects.