Six-year-old boy dies after brutal attack by uncle


A six-year-old child, Moses Lihongeni Erickson, died yesterday after he was brutally attacked by his uncle, 31-year-old Catholic priest Max Haudapiti, in Onakaolo village, Ohangwena Region.

FLON concerned about rising murder trends


First Lady Sustjie Mbumba has lamented that murders in Namibia have become somewhat fashionable and fun.

The First Lady was speaking at the Omkhai Namibia Trust, where senior citizens were treated to cosy blankets and grocery packs in Windhoek's Tobias Hainyeko residential area.

Customary heir to |Khomanin traditional authority murdered


A dark cloud of grief hangs over the royal house of the |Khomanin, after the murder of the customary heir to the |Khomanin traditional throne.

Armando Gawa!nab fell victim to an armed robbery. He died after a fatal gunshot wound on Monday.

Guardians charged with murder sentenced


A 37-year-old former police officer who was convicted of murdering his two-and-a-half-year-old daughter in June 2020 has been sent to prison for 20 years.

Sentencing of guardians charged with murder postponed


The sentencing of a former police officer charged with the murder of his daughter has been postponed to Friday after mitigation arguments were heard in the Katima Mulilo Circuit High Court in the Zambezi Region.