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Zambezi governor urges patience for Delimitation Commission response


Zambezi Governor Lawrence Sampofu has called on the region's inhabitants to remain calm as they await the response of the Fifth Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission regarding their proposals.

During an interview on Friday, Sampofu stated that it was uncertain when feedback would be received, but they anticipate a response this year.

NamPol arrests over 130 for drug possession in May


The Namibian Police Force have arrested 136 people for drug possession valued at almost N$8 million in May 2024.

NamPol Head of Public Relations, Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi, said in a statement issued on Friday that of those arrested, 127 are Namibian, three are Zimbabwean nationals, two Zambian, two Angolan, and one each from the DRC and Tanzania.

According to Shikwambi, the majority of the suspects were found in possession of cannabis, worth over N$7.2 million, and mandrax, worth over N$136,000.

NACN encourages rural Namibians to invest in arts


A National Arts Council of Namibia board member (NACN), Emmanuel Enkara, has encouraged people living in rural areas to invest in the arts and attract tourism.

Enkara, during an advocacy session in Omuthiya, said rural areas could also attract tourism through their art.

He also advised regional arts extension officers to go out into the regions and communicate with people in their vernaculars so they could understand the opportunities that the arts can bring about.

Angola, Namibia make progress in Baynes Binational Hydro Power Project


Namibia’s Minister of Mines and Energy, Tom Alweendo, met with his Angolan counterpart on Monday to discuss the progress made on the Baynes Binational Hydro Power Project.

Alweendo and Joao Baptista Borges, the Angolan Minister for Energy and Water, held a meeting at the Lauca Hydroelectric Dam in southern Angola on Monday.

During the meeting, the two ministers signed the resolution for the next steps towards the joint implementation of the 881-megawatt Baynes hydroelectric dam.

Oshikoto Region prefers trimester over semester system for schools


The Directorate of Education, Arts, and Culture in the Oshikoto Region and its stakeholders have proposed the re-introduction of a trimester system for schools from 2025 onwards.

A total of 46 participants, including learners, teachers, parents, and the public at large, gathered on Monday at Ekulo Secondary School for a regional consultation meeting on the government school calendar for the 2025 academic year.

The meeting was about concerns and proposals aired around semesters (two terms per year) and trimesters (three terms).

Residents in rural areas of Oshikoto Region agitated over lack of access to water


The head of rural water supply in the Oshikoto Region, Stevenson Tuukondjele, has said people are becoming increasingly agitated over a lack of access to water and insulting them when visiting the ministry offices due to these challenges.

Tuukondjele said in an interview with Nampa on Tuesday that several people from Eengodi, Okankolo, Nehale Lyampingana, and some Omuthiya areas have a tendency to approach their offices and insult them because of the ongoing water scarcity.

Grandfather allegedly rapes three-year-old granddaughter


Police in the Oshikoto Region have opened a case of rape against a 69-year-old man for allegedly raping his three-year-old granddaughter.

The incident allegedly happened on Sunday at Etuli Village in the Omuntele Constituency.

The victim resides at the suspect's house.

Police said the suspect allegedly told one of the minors to remain behind while others were going to look after goats in the field.

Later, the suspect was allegedly found by his daughter inserting his finger in the minor victim's private parts.

Swapo commemorates 64 years


The Swapo Party on Friday marked 64 years of existence since its foundation on April 19, 1960, with its eyes trained on the upcoming national elections.

In a message to party members, Swapo Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah called for unity as the party prepares for the upcoming elections.

Two nabbed for killing rhinos at Etosha


The Namibian Police Force in the Oshikoto Region has opened a case of illegal hunting against two men aged 44 and 31 for allegedly killing two black rhinos worth about N$1 million without a permit.

The region's Crime Investigations Coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Titus Ekandjo, said the incident occurred on Sunday at an unknown time at the Kameeldoring waterhole in Etosha National Park, close to Oshivelo.

The suspects reside in Kotengua village near Opuwo and Omatando village near Ongwediva.