|Khomanin community's cries answered with handover of communal land


The land plight of the |Khomanin people is finally heard.

The Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Carl Schlettwein, handed over communal land to the |Khomanin Traditional Authority, which said its people have been landless for years.

Customary heir to |Khomanin traditional authority murdered


A dark cloud of grief hangs over the royal house of the |Khomanin, after the murder of the customary heir to the |Khomanin traditional throne.

Armando Gawa!nab fell victim to an armed robbery. He died after a fatal gunshot wound on Monday.

Groot Aub residents unhappy with City of Windhoek


Groot Aub residents say they no longer have confidence in the City of Windhoek to deliver services.

They now want to handle their own administration for faster development at the settlement.

|Khomanin Traditional Authority demands to meet CoW's leadership


The |Khomanin Traditional Authority stormed the City of Windhoek Council Chambers on Thursday afternoon, demanding to meet the city's political and administrative leadership.

The delegation, headed by the |Khomanin Gaos, Juliane Gawa!Nas, made record gains when they entered the council chambers at will.

NSA online assistance beneficial


The |Khomanin Traditional Authority claims that assistance provided by the National Statistics Agency (NSA) in response to the outcry of disadvantaged communities without internet access to apply for jobs in the upcoming national census has been all but helpful.

City of Windhoek refutes claims of relocating some residents


The City of Windhoek has refuted claims of relocating some residents to an area where the |Khomanin Traditional Authority claimed to have several gravesites.

The Authority visited a once-forgotten grave site last week in the Moses ||Gäroeb Constituency.