The |Khomas Regional Council, together with the Office of the Prime Minister, handed over food parcels to Windhoek residents affected by the flash floods. 

According to the Chief Regional Officer of |Khomas Regional Council, over 280 households and 1,186 individuals have been affected directly. 

Clement Mafwila says these statistics were obtained from an assessment report carried out by the City of Windhoek regarding the flood situation. 

He says the food parcels are a once-off thing for now to help the affected people while proper measures are being put in place to assist them. 

One food parcel, containing four 5 kg bags of rice, 4 kg of soya mince, 1 litre of cooking oil, 15 cans of tuna fish, and 15 cans of russian roll cans, was handed over per household. 

The value of the food parcels is N$403,000.



July Nafuka