Omaheke Education Directorate has decided to prioritise quality assessment training for teachers and close monitoring of the mock examinations this academic year.

The Education Director, Constance Wantenaar, in an interview with nbc News, stressed the undertaking of outreach programmes to improve results.

Wantenaar adds that the directorate will be sensitising parents to understand their role in education.

Acting Education Deputy Director, Elliakim Kavari, emphasised that despite challenges, preparation is on track for this year, and they have identified certain areas that need attention.

These are training sessions for teachers and the subject advisory team.

Kavari added that the teaching and learning process will be highly monitored, as this is an important element in ensuring accountability.

The region anticipates an increase in the number of primary school learners' enrolment.

The Omaheke Region has 45 schools.



Ngarije Kavari