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Otjimbingwe community demands Chief Seibeb step down


A community meeting held at Otjimbingwe ended prematurely after community members became physical.

This comes after Tsoaxudama Traditional Authority Chief Josua Seibeb rejected the community's request for him to step down.

The community of Otjimbingwe took to the streets last month, demanding the removal of Chief Josua Seibeb, who was coronated in 2022.

They want Chief Seibeb to resign and make way for the election of another leader, whom they claim will address their challenges.

Otjimbingwe community calls for removal of Tsoaxudama chief


The community of Otjimbingwe took to the streets of the settlement to petition for the removal of Tsoaxudama Traditional Authority Chief Josua Seibeb, who was coronated on November 12, 2022.

They want Chief Seibeb to resign to allow for the appointment or election of a leader of their choice who will listen and address their challenges.

They say that Chief Seibeb failed to render assistance and promote developmental projects that would improve the standard of living in the community.