Police announce key promotions to enhance quality policing services


A range of promotions have been announced by the Namibian Police.

Police Inspector General Joseph Shikongo made the announcement in Windhoek on Wednesday, elevating several senior officers to higher ranks and assigning them to key positions. 

These promotions come with added responsibilities and are aimed at ensuring quality policing services for the people of Namibia.

One of the notable promotions is that of Deputy Commissioner Petrus Swartz, who has been promoted to the rank of Commissioner and appointed as the head of the Traffic Law Enforcement Directorate. 

NamPol's mass promotions fill gaps in vacancy slots


In a significant development within the police force, the recent promotions are making a substantial impact, overcoming longstanding barriers in the system.

In the Zambezi Region, a remarkable stride has been made, with 310 out of 364 recommended positions now filled.

The Police Commander in the Zambezi Region, Commissioner Andreas Shilelo, stated that the promotions filled vacant positions at various stations around the region.

Shilelo said the ranks, however, come with re-dedication and commitment.

Police officers urged to live within their means


The Acting Regional Commander of Kavango East says law enforcement officers who are drowning in debt find it difficult to perform official duties.

Deputy Commissioner Eino Nambahu says the recent promotions come with salary adjustments and advises those promoted to avoid debt traps and live within their means. 

147 members of the police force were promoted in Kavango East, consisting of 93 males and 54 females.

The promotions also came with a word of advice from the acting regional commander.