Police investigate murders and sexual assault cases over the weekend


The Namibian police have reported the murder of a 42-year-old man in Bethanie’s Riverside location.

The victim was stabbed by a 26-year-old suspect who was taken into custody.

In Keetmanshoop’s Tseiblaagte area, a 40-year-old man died following a stabbing incident at a bar.

Otavi's Kap n Bou residents cite slow development since 2016


Established in 2016, Otavi's Kap n Bou informal settlement residents are saying the development of the area is drastically slow.

Although it has been declared as part of the town's location, a lack of basic services is many of the households' outcry.

Otavi's informal settlements residents to enjoy cheaper water fees


People living in the informal settlements of Otavi in the Otjozondjupa Region will be paying a little less for water once the water infrastructure is up in September this year.

The project of setting up the infrastructure, which is funded by B2 Gold Mine, has already commenced.

Otavi residents receive drought relief food parcels


Families residing in the peri-urban areas of Otavi in the Otjozondjupa Region were pleased to receive food parcels from the Drought Relief Programme, expressing gratitude for not having to go to bed hungry any longer.

Rains over the weekend bring relief from heat wave in some parts of the country


Light to moderate rains recorded over the weekend brought relief from the heat wave in some parts of the country. 

Over the past week, temperatures have hovered between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius in places such as Keetmanshoop, which received some light showers on Friday and Saturday. 

Childhood friends remember late President Geingob


Born on a farm near Otavi, the late President Hage Geingob was raised in Otjiwarongo, in what is today known as the Orwetoveni location, where his childhood friends described him as a positive and loving person.