The top ten Miss Namibia finalists graced the Zambezi Region with their presence over the past weekend.

Zambezi Governor Alufea Sampofu welcomed the team to the region and reminded them about the importance and mission they have as ambassadors of each region and town they visit to the rest of the country and the world.

“This is very important for our region; we only see these people on TV and all these things; today is live; we saw them live and it's very beautiful; all we can say is that they are our ambassadors to promote the Zambezi Region; to promote Namibia as a whole, we really need such people; whatever they are doing is also going outside Namibia. What we can say about this beauty is that it's not only the faces that are beautiful, but the hearts too; they represent the Namibian nation, the kindness, the wisdom, and the livelihood of the Namibian nation. We see that through them, other nations can see Namibia; they are the image or mirror of Namibia wherever they go.”

He said the visit is an opportunity for them to have first-hand information on the region's investment prospects, food production, and employment opportunities, especially through its vast agricultural land.

The team also visited the nbc's Nwanyi FM, where its regional manager, Susan Mafale, welcomed them.

"And it's for the first time to see or meet the finalists for Miss Namibia, which is a privilege to us. I'm sure most girls would want to meet you, so welcome to Katima Mulilo.”

Some of the finalists, most of whom visited the region for the first time, spoke about the activities they engaged in during their stay, including a visit to Impalila Island, where they donated stationery and sanitary items to the learners of Impalila Combined School.

The 10 finalists visited Zambezi and Kavango Regions and will visit Divundu next.

Photo Credits
Miss Namibia


Juliet Sibeso