The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism is satisfied with road upgrades in Etosha National Park ahead of the peak tourism season.

The ministry's Executive Director, Teofilus Nghitila, assessed the progress of the road upgrade.

The poor roads were a cause for concern to visitors, which necessitated the upgrading of the road network.

"We are in the middle of the tourism season in Namibia, and we really would like our visitors to Etosha National Park to  drive on the comfortable roads. We are making all of our efforts to ensure that, at the very least, these roads are properly and regularly maintained. That's why we have procured the new state-of-the-art grader to assist us in really maintaining those road networks in Etosha."

Plans are also in the pipeline to upgrade the park's major routes to tar.

The new entry park gates are also receiving facelifts and are expected to be completed by September.

"In the progress in regards to the finalisations of these gates, such as the Ombika gate, we are informed they are on schedule. By the end of September, this place will look beautiful. So it's a solid structure, and we really look forward to changing the image of our park. When you enter by September, the first impression that you will get, you will never get it anywhere else."

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Faith Sankwasa