Some polling officials undergoing election training in Nkurenkuru, Kavango West Region, are threatening to boycott or not work at the elections on November 27 if their request is not met. 

With only one day of training to go, the trainees are requesting for their daily training rate to be increased from N$150 a day to N$300. 

The spokesperson of the group, Stefanus Kudumo, says the ECN has been paying the same N$150 for years, adding that they cannot afford to pay for three meals and accommodation per day with that amount. 

The training rate was N$100 per day, but it was increased to N$150 about 7 years ago. 

Even though the trainees were aware of the daily rate before accepting the job offer, they say the last 9 days have been difficult on their pockets. 

There are 1,141 polling officials in Kavango West and will be deployed to eight constituencies. 

Contacted for a response, ECN's regional electoral officer, Elizabeth Visagie, told nbc News that she is unable to comment at the moment.



Frances Shaahama