Sikondo village appeals for government's meeting them half-way


Residents of Sikondo Village in Kavango West have collected about N$400,000 towards their collective goal to electrify their homes. Still, they remain a long way from reaching the required close to N$3 million to see this dream realised. 

Police officers train in basic sign language skills


September is a national deaf awareness month, a time to highlight and honour the unique needs, struggles, and vibrant culture of the hearing impaired. 

It is also the month where police officers from various parts of the country gathered in Rundu for a five-day basic sign language course.

Kavango East Health Director urges cooperation in malaria spray campaign


Ida Mendai, the Regional Health Director of Kavango East, is urging residents to cooperate with spray operators during the Indoor Residual Spray Campaign.

This method of malaria prevention targets mosquitoes that rest indoors and is set to begin on September 16th.

Rundu Mayor prioritises entrepreneurship and investment


Rundu Mayor Gabriel Kanyanga envisions the second most populated town in Namibia as a thriving hub for entrepreneurship and investment. Kanyanga expressed this vision during the second Mayoral Business Forum, which is typically held ahead of the Rundu Annual Trade Fair in October.

Timber harvesters and carpenters unaware of ban lifting


Despite the timber harvesting ban being lifted last year, many timber harvesters and carpenters in the Kavango East Region remain unaware of the change.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism initially imposed the ban in 2018 to curb the unsustainable harvesting of trees.

Andreas Haingura appointed head of Kavango East Region police


Former Omaheke Police Commander, Commissioner Andreas Haingura, is now the head of police in the Kavango East Region.

He has replaced Commissioner Johanna Ngondo, who is now the advisor in the Office of the Inspector General. 

Rundu Intermediate Hospital ready for Mpox outbreak


The Medical Superintendent at the Rundu Intermediate Hospital, Dr. Jean Kabangu, says the institution is prepared should there be an outbreak of Mpox. 

Health workers already formed an emergency preparedness committee with various staff on standby. 

Sauyemwa Centre for visually impaired assisted


Even though the Sauyemwa Centre for the visually impaired in the Kavango East Region has been around for 16 years, students continue to fend for themselves.