The Ministry of Sport, Youth, and National Service has appointed five interim board members for the National Youth Council following the removal of the previous one last week.

The interim board members are Curtis M. Andrew, Beverly Silas, Hendrik Theofilus, Victoria Itta, and Nghoshi Panduleni.

The Board will be tasked with facilitating the process of convening the General Assembly and will serve as the electoral committee and will ensure impartiality and that none of them will be eligible for election to any positions during the General Assembly.

The interim board will serve for a period of six months or until their task is completed but no later than 12 June next year.

Last week, the Minister of Youth, Agnes Tjongarero, suspended the sitting NYC board, citing their repeated failure to comply with ministerial directives.

The minister removed the board, highlighting nine contraventions of the National Youth Council Act, including dragging the ministry's name into disrepute and mismanaging funds, failing to oversee the institution properly, and not commemorating the National Youth Week.

Other contraventions include violation of procurement rules, dishonesty, non-declaration of conflicts of interest, and wastage of the organisation's resources.

Photo Credits
Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service, Republic of Namibia


Lucia Nghifindaka