Africa bids farewell to Dr. Nujoma


With the passing of Dr. Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma on February 8, 2025, Africa bids farewell to its last surviving founding father of the African Union.

LPM Cites 'Poisoned Fruit Doctrine' in 2024 Election Challenge


The Landless People's Movement has based their case to nullify the 2024 presidential elections on the "Poisoned Fruit Doctrine," which translates to that any outcome derived from unlawful actions is compromised and must be excluded to ensure fairness and integrity.

Education Ministry addresses overcrowding following AS enrollment increase


Almost three weeks into the new academic year, the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture is still addressing overcrowded classrooms and a 29.5% increase in candidates, which amounts to 12,031 learners who qualified for the Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level for this year.

US to withdraw from UNHRC and to end UNRWA funding


US President Donald Trump has announced that the United States will withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and cease funding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

The announcement is published on the official White House website. 

SADC, EAC hold urgent talks on DRC security crisis


Top officials from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the East African Community (EAC) held an urgent meeting today to address the worsening security situation in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Rundu residents concerned over exposed sewer pipe


Heavy rains experienced in Rundu last month have caused a gaping hole in the Tutungeni residential area.

Residents are now concerned about the safety risk posed by the hole, but also because a broken sewer pipe is now exposed, and it's now pushing sewer water into the Kavango River.

Dr.Geingob remembered as a family man


On the first anniversary of the late President Hage Geingob's death, his family remembers him as a family man.

Geingob would, on Family Day, invite family members to his farm near Otavi.

This time it was different, though, given his absence.

KAS resident rep bids farewell to speaker Katjavivi


Natalie Russman, the Resident Representative of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), bid farewell to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Professor Peter Katjavivi, today (Tuesday).